Friday, June 18, 2010

Friday, By Liza

This morning, for our seed thought(devotions), we drove a little ways to the Natural Arch Rock in Daniel Boone National Forest. The overlook was an amazing sight and was the perfect place to praise God. We talked about what righteousness truly means and wrapped up all the other parts of righteousness from earlier in the week. We were then given 15 minutes to sit in God’s creation and spend time with him.
After our devotions we drove to the Perry’s to finish up our deck. We got there to work and I found out that I was the leader for the day (and was given the Spanish nickname matadora). We got right to work unloading the tools, measuring and cutting boards, and entertaining Pat. We started the day with some of us finishing the stringers for the stairs while the rest of the group worked on the rails. Everyone worked well. Laura and Kacie measured boards that were then handed to Lindsay and Gabe who cut the boards. Those boards were then given to Mom, Ben, Fred, Katie, and Kevin to drill onto the deck. Meanwhile, Brandon, Steve, Christian, and Elisabeth worked on leveling three cinder blocks that the stringers would sit on. Nancy, who suffered from a hairline fracture in her wrist from our hike, did what she could by carrying scrap wood to the old barn. Shelley used her nurse skills and helped multiple people with medicine and other random things. Jenna and many others made their first cuts with the electric saw and some people were even given rides on the Perry’s horse Hank. There were some complications with slanted, 45 degree angles that had to be cut, but by the end of the day, everything was done and looked wonderful. Pat was very thankful for all our work, and before we left we all circled up, held hands, and prayed for the Perry’s. And of course we all had to hug Pat before we left for the last time.
Right now we are in the car, riding back from the Perry’s, drinking our cold drinks that we bought at the nearby BP gas station. We are looking forward to a relaxing afternoon, a yummy dinner, and a wonderful night sleep. It is tradition for CP(Confrontation Point) leaders and campers to sleep outside on the last night, so we are also looking forward to that. We’ll see how it goes!

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